January 2018 Letter


Dear Friends & Supporters of Faith’s Orphans Fund,

Thank you so much for the generous support of Faith’s orphan ministry in Zambia throughout 2017.   The support from people like you in Canada and United States has resulted in another year of significant positive impact in the lives of 4,113 orphaned and vulnerable children in Zambia.

This was a milestone year for Faith’s Orphans as their 25th anniversary was celebrated in August. It was an incredible blessing to witness the anniversary celebration with hundreds in attendance and realize afresh how FOF has touched literally thousands of Zambian lives.

This fall the new school at Lungwa Centre was commissioned and is now being used by hundreds of young students who previously would have had to walk 16 kilometres to attend a school.   This school was built with the generous support of a number of Ontario donors and volunteers.

Photo of the new school at Lungwa Centre 

As we look forward into 2018, we know that Faith’s Orphans Fund will continue to be significant for the children in the 24 rural centres, the Skills Training Centre and those attending Teacher’s College in Kitwe.

The Canadian FOF Board is pleased to announce the launch of a new FOF Canada website containing new pictures, video and information. This new website can be viewed at the new web address: faithsorphansfund.org.

From Faith, her Zambia team and the Board of Directors of FOF Canada, thank you again for your generous support in 2017.

In appreciation,

Ian Ross & the Canadian Board of Directors.